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1. **风车或风铃**:在楼顶放置风车或风铃,有助于吸引和散发积极的能量,促进正能量的流动,提升整体的气场和运势。

2. **绿植**:在楼顶种植一些绿色植物,如盆栽或小型花园,有助于净化空气、改善环境,同时也象征着生机和活力,有利于提升运势。

3. **水池或喷泉**:在楼顶设置小型水池或喷泉,水是风水中的重要元素之一,可以代表财富和流动,有助于增加财运和聚财效果。

4. **观景台**:如果条件允许,可以在楼顶建造一个观景台,俯瞰周围的风景,有助于舒缓心情、开阔眼界,同时也有利于吸引好运气。



In Chinese geomantic culture, the layout that the building carries on the head and put can affect whole architectural geomantic. A few common practices include:

1.** windmill or wind-bell ** : In the building the top places the windmill or wind-bell, conduce to attract and send out active energy, promote the flow of energy, promote integral gas field and movement power.

2.** of ** green plant: In the building the top cultivates a few greenery, be like potted or small-sized garden, conduce to purify air, improvement environment, at the same time indicative also opportunity of survival is mixed vigor, be helpful for promoting movement power.

3.** cistern or fountain ** : In the building the top installs small-sized cistern or fountain, water is geomantic one of medium important elements, can represent fortune and flow, conduce to increase to money carries and get together wealth effect.

4.** watchs scene stage ** : If the condition allows, station of scene of a view can be built in building top, look down at the scenery all round, conduce to slow the mood, broaden the outlook, also be helpful for drawing lucky vital energy at the same time.

As a whole, the choice places what article to want to consider geomantic layout of whole and individual be fond of in building top, important is the gas field harmony that wants tip letting a building, relaxed, in order to draw active energy and movement power.
