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1. 玄关杂物:门口若堆满杂物,会影响正财的进入,因此要保持门口清洁整齐,不宜乱堆杂物。
2. 破损的物品:破损的物品会带来贫穷和不祥之气,因此门口不宜放置破损的家具、花盆等。
3. 凌乱的鞋子:门口放置凌乱的鞋子会让财气流失,因此要保持鞋子摆放整齐。
4. 枯萎的植物:门口放置枯萎的植物会带来凶气,影响家庭的和谐与财运。
5. 垃圾桶:门口放置垃圾桶容易吸纳不洁之气,影响家中的气场,因此最好将垃圾桶放置在室内或后院等不显眼的地方。



Traditional and geomantic learn to go up say, the doorway cannot put a few goods, lest influence money carry and family are harmonious. These article include:

1.Porch is sundry: The doorway if stack is sundry, can affect of money enter, because this wants to maintain doorway cleanness orderly, unfavorable huddle sundry.
2.The article of damaged: The article of damaged can bring poverty and bodeful energy of life, the furniture that because this doorway is unfavorable,places damaged, flowerpot.
3.Messy shoe: The doorway places messy shoe to be able to let money air current break, because this should maintain shoe,put orderly.
4.Blasted plant: The doorway places blasted plant to be able to bring fierce energy of life, affect domestic harmony and money use.
5.Ash-bin: The doorway places ash-bin to induct feculent gas easily, affect a medium gas field, because this is best,place garbage can indoors or the inconspicuous place such as backyard.

Of course, these views because of the person different, if you are not believed,water learns wind, so decorate a doorway according to his be fond of.
