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1. **良好的光照**:发财树喜欢明亮但避免直接暴晒的阳光,可以选择放在室内靠近窗户的位置,确保光线充足。

2. **适度的水分**:保持发财树土壤湿润但不要过湿,适度的浇水频率有助于树木健康成长。

3. **适宜的温度**:发财树适宜的生长温度为15°C至25°C之间,避免暴露在极端寒冷或炎热的环境中。

4. **定期修剪**:定期修剪可以促进树木的茂密生长,保持树形美观。

5. **良好的土壤**:选择透气性好、排水性良好的土壤,有助于根系生长和发展。

6. **装饰和摆放**:根据个人喜好,在发财树周围装饰一些象征财富和好运的物品,如金银饰品、硬币等,有助于增强其象征意义。



Get rich the tree is in geomantic the plant that carry of become reconciled of a kind of indicative fortune is considered as in learning. Should let get rich cultivate thrive and bring lucky, can consider the following:

1.The illumination ** with good ** : Get rich the tree likes bright but the sun that avoids to insolate directly, can choose to put the position that stands by a window indoors, ensure the light is enough.

2.The water with measurable ** divides ** : Maintain get rich tree soil is wet but do not pass wet, water moderately frequency conduces to arboreous health growing.

3.The temperature ** with appropriate ** : Get rich the growth with appropriate tree temperature comes for 15 ° C between 25 ° C, avoid to expose in extreme chill or burning hot environment.

4.** of ** fixed clip: What fixed clip can promote tree is dense grow, carry a tree form is beautiful.

5.The edaphic ** with good ** : Choose permeability the soil with good sex of good, catchment, conduce to root system grows and develop.

6.** decorates and put ** : According to individual be fond of, in get rich the article that carry of become reconciled of a few indicative fortune decorates all round the tree, if bullion act the role ofing is tasted, coin, conduce to enhance its symbolic significance.

As a whole, offer appropriate growth environment and makings of understand without being told of essence of life can let get rich cultivate thrive, bring lucky with fortune.
