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1. **东南方**:东南方被认为是财富聚集的方位,因此在东南方放置办公室或者房间可能会有助于提升财运。

2. **正东方**:正东方也被认为是一个财运较好的方位,适合于放置办公桌或者床铺等重要物件。

3. **中心区域**:有些风水学说认为房屋或者办公室的中心区域是财富的聚集之地,因此保持中心区域的清洁和井然有序可能会有助于促进财运。



According to geomantic doctrine, different position is thought to be able to carry to money generation is affected differently. A few common views include:

1.** southeastern ** : Southeastern the azimuth that fortune be consideringed as collects, because this is in southeastern set the office or the room may conduce to promotion money carrying.

2.** Oriental ** : Also be being considered as the position with better fortune of a money eastward, agree with set desk or the important thing such as bed.

3.** of ** center area: A little geomantic doctrine thinks building or the gather ground that the central area of the office is fortune, the cleanness that holds central section accordingly and sleek may conduce to stimulative money carrying.

Those who need an attention is, these are the viewpoints in a few geomantic doctrine only, its science sex has not get confirming. Of the perception that people carries to money and real money get still get the influence of a variety of elements, like individual ability, work hard, skill of conduct financial transactions.
