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1. **招财猫**:象征着财富和好运的招财猫可以放在家中的入口处,比如门口或客厅,以迎接财气进入新家。

2. **金蟾**:金蟾是中国传统文化中象征财富的吉祥物之一,可以放在家中财位或是正东角,以增加财运。

3. **水晶**:水晶被认为有吸引正能量和财气的作用,可以选择放置一些水晶摆件或水晶装饰品来增加家中的财运。

4. **青蛙摆件**:在中国文化中,青蛙也象征着财富,放置青蛙摆件在家中的财位可以有助于吸引财运。

5. **盆栽**:在风水学中,一些绿色植物被认为可以吸收负能量并带来好运,选择一些健康茂盛的盆栽放在家中适当的位置可以增加财运。

6. **红色装饰品**:红色被认为是能够驱散负能量和带来好运的颜色之一,可以选择一些红色的装饰品来增加家中的财运。



A few article that accord with geomantic doctrine are put to be able to increase money use when moving. Be in geomantic in learning, often think to put the following article to be able to attract money carry:

1.** enrols money cat ** : Indicative fortune and the entrance that the lucky cat that enrol money can put in the home are in, for instance doorway or sitting room, enter new home in order to receive wealth vital energy.

2.** of ** Jin Chan: Jin Chan is one of mascot of indicative fortune in Chinese traditional culture, the money in can be being put in the home or be east horn, in order to increase money use.

3.** crystal ** : Crystal is thought to have attract energy and the action that money enrages, can choose to place a few crystal to place or crystal adornment will increase a medium money use.

4.** frog places a ** : In Chinese culture, frog is symbolic also fortune, place frog to place a money in the home can conduce to attract money carry.

5.** potted ** : Be in geomantic in learning, a few greenery are thought to be able to draw negative energy and be brought lucky, those who choose a few healthy exuberance is potted the proper place in be being put in the home can increase money use.

6.** is gules adornment ** : Red is considered as can break up negative energy and bring one of lucky facial expression, the adornment that can choose a few red will increase a medium money use.

Remember, geomantic it is a kind of belief and culture tradition only, if you are not to believe these things very much, irrespective also. The most important is to let your new home be decorated so that let you feel comfortable and happy.
