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1. **药用植物**:如薄荷、蔷薇、黄连等。这些植物通常有较高的市场需求,并且在医药、保健品等行业中有广泛的应用。

2. **高端蔬菜**:比如有机蔬菜、绿叶蔬菜、特色蔬菜等。消费者对于健康、有机、特色食品的需求不断增加,这些蔬菜的价格通常比普通蔬菜高出很多。

3. **水果**:比如草莓、蓝莓、车厘子等高端水果,它们的价格相对较高,而且有一定的市场需求。

4. **香料和调味品**:如藏红花、香草、大蒜等。这些调味品在烹饪和医药行业中有广泛的应用,因此市场需求相对稳定。

5. **特色农产品**:比如当地特色的农产品或者有机农产品。这些产品通常能够吸引更多的消费者,因为它们具有独特的品质和口味。



Cultivate what crop to suit to make money most, the element such as quality of the climate condition that should be in an area considering you, soil and market demand. Generally speaking, the crop that a few high price are worth may bring more profit. A few choices include:

1.** of ** officinal plant: Wait like field mint, rose, the rhizome of Chinese goldthread. These plants have higher market demand normally, there is wide application in and be tasted in medicine, health care waiting for an industry.

2.** of vegetable of ** high end: Characteristic is organic vegetable, greenery vegetable, for instance vegetable wait. Consumer increases ceaselessly to the demand of food of healthy, organic, characteristic, these vegetable prices compare common and vegetable tower above normally a lot of.

3.** fruit ** : For instance a unit of weight of strawberry, La Mei, car child wait for high-end fruit, their value is relative taller, and have particular market demand.

4.** flavor and dressing ** : Wait like n/bot saffron crosus, herb, garlic. These dressing have wide application in cooking and medical industry, because this market demand is relative stable.

5.** characteristic produce ** : For instance the produce of local characteristic organic perhaps produce. These products can attract more customer normally, because they have unique character and taste.

When the choice plants crop, had better undertake market survey, know the demand of place and global market and climate, so that make more well-advised decision-making. In the meantime, also want those who consider oneself to grow technology and resource requirement, ensure the crop that can be cultivated effectively and runs an option.
