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1. **吉祥物**: 蛇的形象或者蛇相关的物品,比如蛇形的首饰、摆件等,都可以被视为吉祥物,带来好运。

2. **幸运颜色**: 蓝色、黑色和红色通常被认为是属蛇的幸运颜色,可以选择穿着这些颜色的衣物或者使用这些颜色的装饰品。

3. **守护神或符咒**: 一些人相信在身上携带守护神或者符咒可以带来保护和好运,你可以寻找与蛇有关的守护神或符咒。

4. **适合的职业**: 属蛇的人通常聪明敏捷,适合从事需要思考和决策的工作,比如策划、管理、咨询等领域。

5. **增强运势的风水布局**: 根据个人的命理和风水,可以进行一些布局来增强运势,比如摆放一些有利于属蛇的物品或装饰品。



The person that belongs to a snake is considered as clever, tack in Chinese traditional culture, have wisdom. According to geomantic doctrine, every any of the twelve animals has its corresponding mascot and lucky color, but most the thing of flourishing is likely because of the person different, also depend on the individual's belief and culture setting.

Generally speaking, those who belong to anguine person to be able to try the following thing to enhance them is lucky with energy:

1.** mascot ** : Anguine figure or the article related the snake, for instance snakelike headgear, place etc, can be regarded as mascot, bring lucky.

2.** of ** lucky color: Blue, black and red are considered as to belong to lucky color of the snake normally, the clothing and other articles of daily use that can choose to wearing these facial expression perhaps uses the adornment of these color.

3.** Palladium or charm ** : A few people believe to carry Palladium on the body or charm can bring protective become reconciled to carry, you can search the Palladium that concerns with the snake or charm.

4.The professional ** that ** suits: The person that belongs to a snake normally clever and nimble, suit to be engaged in needing to think and work decision-makingly, for instance plan, management, seek advice wait for a domain.

5.** enhances the geomantic layout ** of movement power: The water of zephyr of lot put in order according to the individual, can undertake a few layout will enhance movement power, put a few article that are helpful for belonging to a snake or adornment for instance.

No matter choose which kinds of way, should remember the most important is self-confidence, effort and active up state of mind, this ability is to bring lucky key truly.

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