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1. 财神像或财神符:放置财神像或财神符可以象征着招财进宝,增加财运。
2. 金元宝或金元素装饰:金色代表着财富,放置金元宝或金色装饰可以增强床头的财运气场。
3. 翡翠:翡翠被认为是招财石,放置一块翡翠或翡翠制品在床头可以有助于提升财运。
4. 财富树:在床头摆放一盆财富树,如吊兰、金钱树等绿色植物,有助于增加财富气场。
5. 水晶摆件:水晶被认为能够聚财,放置水晶摆件如水晶球或水晶簇在床头可以增加财运。



Be in geomantic in learning, the head of a bed places a few specific article to be able to conduce to attract money carry. It is a few common proposals below:

1.Money God or mammon accord with: Place money God or mammon accord with is OK and indicative action money enters treasure, increase money use.
2.Gold dollar treasure or golden element decorate: Aureate delegate is worn fortune, the money luck field that lays gold dollar treasure or aureate adornment to be able to enhance the head of a bed.
3.Halcyon: Halcyon is considered as to enrol money stone, place a halcyon or emerald goods to be able to conduce to promotion money carry in the head of a bed.
4.Fortune tree: Tree of a fortune is put in the head of a bed, wait for greenery like tree of bracketplant, money, conduce to increase wealth gas field.
5.Crystal places: Crystal is thought to be able to get together money, place crystal to place if crystal ball or crystal bunch are in,the head of a bed can increase money use.

Those who need an attention is, geomantic although have its tradition and belief,learn, but the theory that is not science to confirm, because of this effect because of the person different. When the choice places article, the most important is to choose his to like and the goods that can bring cheerful sense to oneself.
