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1. **吊兰**:被认为是招财进宝的象征,吊兰的绿叶能够增加家中的生机和活力,同时也被认为能够吸引财运。

2. **金钱树**:因其圆满的叶子形状和寓意而备受喜爱,被认为能够吸引财富和好运。

3. **文竹**:文竹以其长寿和繁茂的特点而著称,被认为能够带来好运和财富。

4. **幸运竹**:幸运竹象征着吉祥和好运,将其放置在客厅能够增加家庭的幸福感和财运。

5. **发财树**:发财树在中国文化中被视为象征着繁荣和财富的标志,因此在客厅摆放发财树也是一个不错的选择。



A few indicative fortune and lucky plant are cultivated to be able to add opportunity of survival and vigor in the sitting room. It is below a few cultivate in the sitting room most the flowers and plants of flourishing money:

1.** bracketplant ** : What be considered as to enrol money to enter treasure is indicative, the greenery of bracketplant can increase a medium opportunity of survival and vigor, also be thought to be able to attract money carry at the same time.

2.** money cultivates ** : Because of its satisfactory leaf appearance and implied meaning equipment suffers love, be thought to be able to attract fortune become reconciled to carry.

3.** asparagus ** : Asparagus is celebrated with its long life and exuberant characteristic, be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.

4.** of ** lucky bamboo: Lucky bamboo is indicative auspicious is auspicious and lucky, place its the happy touch that can add a family in the sitting room and money carry.

5.** gets rich tree ** : Get rich the mark that the tree is regarded as indicative prosperity and money in Chinese culture, because this is put in the sitting room,get rich the tree also is a right choice.

No matter which choose to cultivate substance, should notice to give proper illumination, moisture and fertilizer, with ensuring they are healthy ground of healthy and strong grows.
