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1. 风水画:挂在门内的风水画可以根据个人的生辰八字或者家居的方位选择适合的画作,有助于调和家居的气场和吸收积极的能量。

2. 水晶球:水晶球被认为能够吸纳和释放正能量,挂在门内可以增加室内的活力和积极气场。

3. 平安符或挂件:传统的平安符或挂件被认为可以祈福消灾,保护家庭成员平安,挂在门内可以增加家居的保护力。

4. 花卉或盆栽:在门内放置一些绿色植物可以增加室内的生机和清新气息,有利于调和家居的气场。

5. 神灯或香炉:在门内摆放神灯或香炉可以增加室内的灵气和祥和氛围,有助于驱散不利的能量。



In Chinese geomantic tradition, what the adornment inside the design of the door and door can affect excellent house is geomantic. Generally speaking, the following kinds of article are considered as to be helpful for adding the gate inside geomantic:

1.Geomantic picture: The azimuth that the geomantic picture that is hanged inside the door perhaps can live in according to birthday character 8 of the individual chooses the picture that fit to make, the gas field that conduces to harmonic household and draw active energy.

2.Crystal ball: Crystal ball is thought to be able to be inducted and be released energy, hang inside the door to be able to increase indoor vigor and active gas field.

3.Restful accord with or hang: Traditional restful symbol or hang it is OK to be thought calamity of pray blessing disappear, protective family member is restful, hang in what Menneike lives in with increasing to protect power.

4.Flowers or potted: A few greenery are placed to be able to add indoor opportunity of survival and pure and fresh flavor inside the door, be helpful for the gas field of harmonic household.

5.Divine lamp or censer: Divine lamp or censer are put to be able to raise indoor spirit inside the door gas and auspicious atmosphere, conduce to break up adverse energy.

Those who need an attention is, affect because of the person other geomanticly, the adornment goods that suits most should choose according to the particular case of birthday character 8 of the individual and household.
