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1. 富贵:寓意财富和地位,能够吸引财运。
2. 发财:象征着财富的增加和兴旺发达。
3. 吉祥如意:代表吉祥、顺利和心想事成。
4. 财源广进:寓意着财富从各个方向源源不断地涌来。
5. 如意吉祥:代表心想事成、吉祥如意。



Geomantic on say, the sitting room hangs what word can expensive support of the people of flourishing money, action lays money compatibly, choose a few words related to fortune, lucky, good luck or term normally. A few common choices include:

1.Riches and honour: Implied meaning fortune and position, can attract money carry.
2.Get rich: The addition of indicative fortune and healthy.
3.Good fortune as one wishes: The delegate thinks with the heart the thing is become luckily, smoothly.
4.Fund is wide into: The implied meaning is worn fortune emerges ceaselessly from each directional in a steady stream.
5.Flexibly lucky: Think on behalf of the heart the thing is become, good fortune as one wishes.

Besides the choice of font, color also is main consideration factor. Generally speaking, the color of the rich and festive atmosphere such as aureate, gules, purple is the common choice when hanging a word. The word that is hanged on sitting room wall should note its position, hang in sitting room midpoint normally or advocate on the wall, so that can attract carry of more become reconciled of wealth vital energy.
