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1. **银杏树**:被认为能够吸引财气,提升家庭的财运。
2. **吊兰**:被认为能够吸收负能量,带来好运和财富。
3. **发财树(绿萝)**:因其叶片形状像钱币而被认为能够招财进宝。
4. **绿色植物**:任何绿色的植物都被认为有助于改善财运,因为绿色象征着生机和繁荣。



What vegetable to raise in the winter most is flourishing money enraged? A few people believe, a few specific plants can bring money energy of life in winter. Plant of wh some of which includes:

1.** ginkgo cultivates ** : Be thought to be able to draw wealth vital energy, promote domestic money use.
2.** bracketplant ** : Be thought to be able to draw negative energy, bring lucky with fortune.
3.** gets rich tree (green trailing plants) ** : Because of its blade appearance resembles coin and be thought to be able to enrol money to enter treasure.
4.** greenery ** : The plant of any green is thought to conduce to improvement money carry, because of green is indicative opportunity of survival and prosperity.

Although these are the plants that are thought to be able to bring money to carry on the tradition, but whether does their effect exist really, still be because of the person different. Anyhow, put these plants in the home, also can add a few life and aesthetic feeling.
