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1. **风景画**:选择一幅美丽的风景画,如山水画或者花园画,能够给人带来宁静和放松的感觉。

2. **抽象画**:如果你更喜欢现代感或者抽象的艺术风格,可以选择一幅抽象画作为玄关装饰,增添空间的时尚感。

3. **家庭照片墙**:挂上家庭成员的照片,可以让玄关更具亲切感和个性化。

4. **植物或花朵图案**:选择一幅描绘植物或花朵的画作,给人带来生机和活力。

5. **装饰镜**:如果玄关空间比较狭窄,可以选择挂一面装饰镜,既能起到装饰作用,又能增加空间感。



The choice that porch draws depends on normally style of individual be fond of, family and dimensional design. Generally speaking, porch picture should be as harmonious as the adornment color photograph of whole bedroom, and can give a person bring comfortable feel with gay. It is a few common porch pictures register a way below:

1.** landscape ** : Choose a beautiful landscape, be like a landscape painting or garden picture, can bring to the person halcyon with relaxation feeling.

2.** abstraction draws ** : If you prefer the artistic color with contemporary abstract perhaps feeling, can choose an abstract painting to regard porch as adornment, add fashionable touch of the space.

3.** of wall of ** family photograph: Hang the photograph of domestic member, can let porch provide friendly feeling and individuation more.

4.** plant or flower design ** : The choice represents a plant or the picture of flower is made, bring opportunity of survival and vitality to the person.

5.** decorates lens ** : If porch space compares stricture, can choose to hang one side to decorate lens, can rise to decorate action already, can add dimensional touch again.

Choose what kind of porch picture finally, depend on the adornment style that your individual tastes flavour and family.
