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1. **金钱树(吉祥树)**:金钱树是风水中最常见的旺财植物之一。它的叶子像硬币一样圆滚滚的,被认为能够吸引财富和好运。它在客厅放置时可以增加家庭的财运。

2. **竹子**:竹子被视为带来好运和长寿的象征。特别是“幸运竹”或“招财竹”,它被认为能够吸引财富和福气。将它们放在客厅的特定位置可以提升家庭的财运。

3. **吊兰**:吊兰是一种容易养护的植物,被认为能够吸引好运和财富。它的叶子呈现出翠绿色,被认为能够给家中带来积极的能量。

4. **发财树**:发财树象征着繁荣和财富,它的叶子形状有点像硬币,因此被认为有助于吸引财富。将它放在客厅可以增加家庭的繁荣。



Put in the sitting room a few be thought to be able to be brought lucky the plant with fortune is a kind of common geomantic sense. It is a few common plants that are thought to conduce to flourishing money below:

1.** money cultivates (lucky tree) ** : Monetary tree is geomantic in one of the commonnest flourishing money plants. Its leaf is round like coin of billow, be thought to be able to attract fortune become reconciled to carry. It can increase money use of the family when the sitting room is placed.

2.** bamboo ** : Bamboo is regarded as to bring lucky with long life indicative. Especially " lucky bamboo " or " the bamboo that enrol money " , it is thought to be able to attract fortune and happy lot. The specific position that puts them in the sitting room can promote domestic money use.

3.** bracketplant ** : Bracketplant is the plant of a kind of easy conserve, be thought to be able to be attracted lucky with fortune. Its leaf appears piece emerald, active energy is brought in be being thought to be able to give the home.

4.** gets rich tree ** : Get rich the tree is indicative prosperity and fortune, its leaf appearance resembles coin a bit, because this is thought,conduce to draw money. Put it in the sitting room to be able to increase domestic prosperity.

These floral put the position is a basis normally geomantic learned principle will decide, with promoting their attraction the effect of fortune to the greastest extent. But want to remember, these are the ideas that are based on belief and tradition, go up scientificly and prove their efficacy without evidence.
