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1. **水晶球**:水晶球被认为是能量的完美化身,摆放在家中的入口处或是主要活动区域,可以帮助平衡室内能量,提升运气。

2. **风水轮**:风水轮是一种有着特定几何形状的水晶装饰品,被认为能够调和家中的气场,有助于吸引好运。

3. **紫水晶**:紫水晶被认为是一种高能量的水晶,具有净化能量、提升智慧和直觉的作用,摆放在书房或工作区可以帮助提升学业和事业运。

4. **玫瑰石英**:玫瑰石英被认为是爱情与和平的象征,摆放在卧室或家庭共享空间,可以促进家庭和睦与感情和谐。

5. **青金石**:青金石被认为具有带来好运和财富的作用,摆放在财务区域或办公室,有助于吸引财富与成功。

6. **水晶塔**:水晶塔被认为能够聚集能量并将其向上释放,有助于提升环境的正能量,可以摆放在家中的任何角落。

7. **金字塔**:金字塔形状的水晶被认为具有稳固和集中能量的作用,有助于保护家庭和增强自信心。



Crystal is in geomantic in learning, be thought to have absorb, the character that store and releases energy, and the crystal of different sort is thought to have distinct effect. It is below a few put the crystal proposal with promoting fortune commonly:

1.** of ** crystal ball: What crystal ball is considered as energy is perfect and reincarnate, the entrance in the home is in or putting is main activity area, can help balance room internal energy measure, promotion luck.

2.** is geomantic round of ** : Geomantic annulus it is a kind of crystal adornment that having specific geometry figure, be thought to be able to mediate a medium gas field, conduce to attract lucky.

3.** amethyst ** : Amethyst is considered as the crystal of a kind of high-energy quantity, have the effect that purifies wisdom of energy, promotion and intuition, put promotion school work and career use can be helped in study or working area.

4.** of ** rose quartz: Rose quartz is considered as love and calumet, put the space is shared in bedroom or family, can promote a family harmonious as harmonious as feeling.

5.** of ** blueness inscriptions: Green inscriptions is thought to have bring lucky the action with fortune, put in financial district or office, conduce to attract fortune and success.

6.** of ** crystal tower: Crystal tower is thought to be able to collect energy and release its up, conduce to promotion environment energy, can put any corners in the home.

7.** pyramid ** : The crystal of pyramid appearance is thought to have mix firm the action that concentrates energy, conduce to protection family and enhance self-confident heart.

Putting crystal key is a basis the crystal with individual demand and right choice of be fond of, proper in the home place is put in order to enhance its energy effect.
