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1. **财神像或画像:** 在家中的财位摆放财神的雕像或画像,以示尊敬和祈求财运。

2. **财神供桌:** 在家中特定的位置设立财神供桌,摆放香炉、水果、鲜花等供品,每月定期给财神烧香祈福。

3. **财神金元宝:** 在财位上放置金元宝或金色的装饰物,象征着财源滚滚、财运亨通。

4. **财神红包:** 在农历新年或其他重要节日,给财神写红包寄语,放在财神供桌上,表示对财神的尊敬和祈福。



In Chinese traditional culture, consecrate mammon is for invocatory money carry be prosperous, fund is wide into. According to traditional belief, the money that the optimal position of consecrate mammon is the sitting room in the home or principal rooms normally, and the money library in the home or money go up. Of course, of every family decorate and belief differs possibly somewhat, but generally speaking, the means of a few common consecrate mammon includes:

1.** money God or picture: ** is in the home medium money put the god of wealth statuary or picture, in order to show respect and invocatory money movement.

2.** mammon altar: ** establishs mammon altar in the specific place in the home, put the offerings such as censer, fruit, flower, give pray of mammon burn joss sticks every months blessing regularly.

3.Treasure of ** mammon gold dollar: ** is in money on place gold dollar treasure or aureate ornamental, be prosperous of carry of indicative exchequer billow, money.

4.** mammon red bag: ** is in New Year of the traditional Chinese calendar or other and main festival, write red bag to send word to mammon, put on mammon altar, show the respect to mammon and pray good fortune.

No matter be to choose why to be planted means consecrate mammon, important is a heart sincere clever, petition through sincere desire and work hard, believe mammon can give proper get one's own back.
