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1. **绿色植物:** 绿色植物有助于净化空气,增加室内氧气含量,同时也能给人带来愉悦和舒适感,例如吊兰、绿萝、常青藤等。

2. **水晶摆件:** 水晶被认为具有吸引正能量和驱散负能量的作用,不同种类的水晶具有不同的功效,如水晶球、水晶摆件等。

3. **风水画:** 选择一些寓意吉祥、美好的风水画挂在家中,可以为家居带来积极的能量,例如山水画、花鸟画等。

4. **镜子:** 镜子被认为具有反射能量和扩大空间的作用,适当摆放镜子可以改善家居的气场,但需避免将镜子对着床或门,以免影响家居风水。

5. **风铃:** 风铃被认为可以散发清新、舒适的气息,有助于驱散负能量,同时也能增加室内的美感。

6. **招财猫:** 在东方文化中,招财猫被认为能够招来好运和财富,摆放在家中可以增加财运气息。



Those who reside the home to put a few article that accord with your individual be fond of and culture tradition to be able to increase household energy and life breath. Normally for, the following article is considered as to conduce to promotion living a movement power:

1.** greenery: Greenery conduces to ** purify air, add indoor oxygen content, also can bring to the person at the same time cheerful with intimacy, for example bracketplant, green trailing plants, evergreen cane.

2.** crystal places: ** crystal is thought to have attract energy and break up the action of negative energy, do not have distinct effect with phyletic crystal, place like crystal ball, crystal etc.

3.** geomantic picture: ** chooses the geomantic picture with a few lucky, good message to be hanged in the home, can bring active energy for household, for example picture of landscape painting, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style.

4.** mirror: ** mirror is thought to have reflection energy and the effect that enlarge a space, put a mirror to be able to improve the gas field of household appropriately, but need to avoid the mirror to bed or door, lest influence household is geomantic.

5.** wind-bell: ** wind-bell is thought to be able to send out pure and fresh, comfortable breath, conduce to break up negative energy, also can increase indoor aesthetic feeling at the same time.

6.** enrols money cat: ** is in Oriental culture, the cat that enrol money is thought to be able to speak lucky with fortune, it is OK in the home to put increase money luck to cease.

No matter you choose what goods, the be fond of that should pay attention to an individual and experience, house allowing the home is decorated more the style that accords with oneself and mood.
