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1. **招财物品:** 例如金色物品、招财猫、金蟾等,被认为能够吸引财运。

2. **植物:** 一些植物被认为具有吸引好运的能力,比如竹子、幸运竹、吊兰等。

3. **风水布局:** 根据风水学的原理,合理的家居布置可以改善居住者的运势。如避免将床放在门口正对着的位置、保持家中的清洁整齐等。

4. **符咒或护身符:** 在一些文化中,人们会佩戴或放置一些符咒或护身符来保护自己免受邪恶或带来好运。

5. **正能量环境:** 维持积极的家庭氛围和情绪,尊重家庭成员之间的关系,鼓励互相支持与帮助,也能促进孩子的积极发展。



The article that raises a few traditions to go up to be thought to be able to promote the child fortune in the home perhaps is carried out may help somewhat. Although these ideas are mixed because of culture devotional difference and differ somewhat, but the following kinds of methods may be right the fortune that promotes the child helps somewhat:

1.** enrols money article: ** for example the aureate article, cat that enrol money, Jin Chan, be thought to be able to attract money carry.

2.** plant: A few plants of ** are thought to have attract lucky faculty, for instance bamboo, lucky bamboo, bracketplant.

3.** geomantic layout: ** basis is geomantic learned principle, reasonable household decorates the carry situation that can improve habitant. If avoid,put the bed in the doorway to the position, cleanness in maintaining the home is orderly etc.

4.** charm or amulet: ** is in a few culture, people can adorn or place a few charm or amulet to protect his to avoid suffer evil or bring lucky.

5.** energy environment: ** maintains active domestic atmosphere and mood, value the concern between domestic member, encourage mutual support and help, also can promote positive development of the child.

Those who need an attention is, the effect of these methods depends on greatly the individual's belief and culture setting. The most important is to offer the child care, support and good education, let them have all sorts of challenges in confidence and work of ability face opposite, this ability is true can help them obtain lucky key.
