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1. **地域特色**:例如使用地方名称或特色食材来突出你的招牌。

2. **创意命名**:有趣、独特的名字可以吸引人们的注意力,让他们记住你的品牌。

3. **描述性词语**:使用形容词或动词来描述你的食物或服务,让人一听就明白你的特色。

4. **情感联结**:考虑使用触动情感或引发愉悦感的词语,让人们与你的品牌建立更深层次的联结。

5. **简洁明了**:避免名字过长或复杂,让顾客能够轻松记住和传播你的品牌。



A good dietary fascia name wants normally concise write down easily, rich appeal and related to product or service. A few common absorbing elements include:

1.** of ** terrain distinguishing feature: Use local name or characteristic to feed material to highlight your fascia for example.

2.** originality names ** : Interesting, unique name can draw the attention of people, let them remember your brand.

3.** describes sexual term ** : Use adjective or verb will describe your food or service, let a person listen to understand your characteristic.

4.** of ** affection coupling: The consideration uses the term that touch affection or causes cheerful feeling, the brand that lets people and you establishs the tie of deeper administrative levels.

5.** of ** concise palpability: Avoid a name to grow too or complex, let the client can remember easily and transmit your brand.

Cite a case, if you open a store that sells hamburger, the name can be " delicate hamburger lane " , or if you are a dining room that provides healthy food, can consider " the life is delicate lane " . Final nevertheless choice depends on your cause client group, seat area and brand image.
