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1. **吉祥花(吉祥草)**:又称幸运花、招财草,是一种多肉植物,被认为能够带来好运和财富。

2. **金钱树**:因其圆润的叶子形状和绿色植物的特性而被认为是招财的象征。

3. **发财树(吊兰)**:被认为能够吸收负能量,招财进宝。

4. **四季海棠**:这种花色彩艳丽,开花周期长,寓意着四季兴旺,也是招财的象征之一。



In Chinese traditional culture, a few perianth think to be able to be brought lucky with fortune. Among them, blossom the plant of flourish, indicative riches and honour and prosperity is considered as to enrol money flourishing money normally. For instance:

1.** lucky flower (lucky grass) ** : Call lucky flower, action money grass again, it is a kind of meaty plant, be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.

2.** money cultivates ** : What be considered as to enrol money is indicative because of the character of its fruity leaf appearance and greenery.

3.** gets rich tree (bracketplant) ** : Be thought to be able to draw negative energy, action money enters treasure.

4.** of Chinese flowering crabapple of ** the four seasons: Colour of this kind of design and color is gorgeous, blossom cycle is long, the implied meaning is worn the four seasons is flourishing, also be action money is indicative one of.

Of course, it is the most important to raise a flower is to have deep love for with patience, no matter choose which kinds of flower, want to be taken care of attentively only, can bring to you cheerful and contented.

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