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1. 蔬菜和水果:包含各种维生素、矿物质和抗氧化剂,有助于提高免疫力和保持健康。
2. 全谷类食品:如燕麦、全麦面包、糙米等,提供持久的能量,有助于维持稳定的血糖水平。
3. 健康蛋白质来源:如鱼、鸡肉、豆类和坚果,有助于维持肌肉健康和促进新陈代谢。
4. 健康脂肪:如鳄梨、橄榄油、坚果和种子,有助于维持心脏健康和提供身体所需的脂溶性维生素。



Person of 50 years old should pay attention to balanced diet, in order to retain health and vigor. Do not have specific food to be able to bring money luck directly, but the food with a few rich nutrition can be helped maintain healthy, improve work efficiency and life quality. Generally speaking, absorb fresh fruit, vegetable, complete corn, healthy protein and health more adipose it is very important.

For example:
1.Vegetable and fruit: Include all sorts of vitamins, mineral with antioxidant, conduce to raise immunity force and keep healthy.
2.Complete cereal: Wait like bread of oaten, whole wheat, unpolished rice, provide abiding energy, conduce to the blood sugar level that maintains stability.
3.Healthy protein origin: Be like fish, chicken, legume and nut, conduce to maintain muscle health and stimulative metabolism.
4.Healthy and adipose: Be like avocado, olive oil, nut and seed, conduce to maintain heart health and the vitamin of fat dissolve sex that offer body place to need.

Additional, keep proper water the motion of quantity, rule and good Morpheus also are the main factor that retains health and vigor.
