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1. **房屋朝向**:房屋的朝向在风水中很重要。一般来说,南向或东南向的房屋被认为是财运较佳的朝向,因为这些朝向能够接受到较多的阳光和正能量。

2. **门的位置**:房屋的正门是财运进入的大门。门口宽敞、明亮、整洁,并且通畅无阻,有利于财气的进入。

3. **周围环境**:房屋周围的环境也会影响财运。如靠近水源(如河流、湖泊)、高地等位置都被认为是吉利的风水位置,有助于聚财。

4. **房屋结构**:房屋的整体结构和布局也是考虑的因素。合理的布局能够让财运顺畅流通,避免角落或过于复杂的结构,以免影响正能量的流动。

5. **地形地势**:房屋所处的地形地势也很重要。如拥有良好的地势,避免坡度陡峭或者压抑的地势,有助于财运的聚集。



Be in geomantic in learning, can bring money about what kind of house carry and auspicious, have a few common consideration factors:

1.** of ** building front: The front of the building is in geomantic in very important. Generally speaking, south to or southeast to the building is considered as money to carry relatively the front of beautiful, because these front can be accepted,mix to more sunshine energy.

2.The positional ** of ** door: The front door of the building is the gate that money carry enters. The doorway is capacious, bright, neat, and unobstructed does not have block, be helpful for what money enrages entering.

3.** surroundings ** : The environment all round the building also can affect money use. If approach source of water (be like river, laky) , the position such as the upland is considered as auspicious geomantic position, conduce to get together money.

4.** of ** building construction: The integral structure of the building and layout also are the element of the consideration. Equitable distribution can make money carry smooth and current, avoid corner or too complex structure, lest affect the flow of energy.

5.** of ** landform relief: The landform physical features of a place with located building is very important also. If have good physical features of a place, avoid gradient abrupt depressive perhaps relief, conduce to what money carries gathering.

As a whole, geomantic the influence that learns to emphasize the aspect such as environment, front, layout and relief. However, to the individual, effective demand and individual be fond of still should consider when choosing a building, do not answer to rely on geomantic view completely.
