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1. **吉祥花**:吉祥花象征着好运和吉祥。它们通常有鲜艳的颜色,如红色、金黄色或者紫色,这些颜色在风水上被认为是具有吸引财富的特性。

2. **金银花**:金银花寓意着财富和繁荣。它们的金黄色或者银白色的花朵在风水上被认为有助于吸引财运。

3. **发财树**:发财树是一种常见的室内盆栽植物,被认为能够带来好运和财富。它们的圆满的叶子形状被视为象征着金钱的滚滚而来。

4. **吉祥莲花**:莲花在东方文化中被视为吉祥之物,与财富和繁荣有关。在风水上,莲花被认为能够吸引好运和财富。

5. **文竹**:文竹是一种具有长寿之意的植物,在风水上也被认为有助于提升财运。



Be in geomantic on, people believes a few flowers conduce to promotion money carry. It is a few flowers that are thought to be able to bring money to carry below:

1.** of ** lucky flower: Lucky flower is indicative lucky He Jixiang. They have bright-coloured color normally, if gules, golden color is purple perhaps, these color are in geomantic go up to be considered as to have the character that draws money.

2.** honeysuckle ** : Honeysuckle implied meaning is worn fortune and prosperity. Their golden yellow or the flower of silvery white is in geomantic go up to be thought to conduce to attract money to carry.

3.** gets rich tree ** : Get rich the tree is a kind of common indoor and potted plant, be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune. The billow that their satisfactory leaf appearance is regarded as indicative money and come.

4.** of ** lucky lotus: Lotus is regarded as lucky other people in Oriental culture, concern with fortune and prosperity. Be in geomantic on, lotus perianth thinks to be able to be attracted lucky with fortune.

5.** asparagus ** : Asparagus is a kind of plant that has macrobian idea, in geomantic go up to also be thought to conduce to promotion money carry.

No matter you choose which kinds of painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, should ensure they are attended meticulously, because ability of plant of healthy healthy and strong produces their lucky effect.
