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1. 关公像:供奉一尊关公像是最常见的方式之一,最好选择铜像或者石雕,因为这些材质在中国文化中有着长久的历史和象征意义。

2. 红色香烛:红色的香烛象征着喜庆和吉祥,用于向关公祈福,表示对其的尊敬和虔诚。

3. 关公画像或挂件:可以在家中挂上关公的画像或挂件,也能够起到辟邪、保平安的作用。

4. 关公马:关公马是关公的坐骑,也被认为是财运的象征,因此供奉关公马也是一种常见的方式。

5. 关公戟:关公的武器,也是他的象征之一,供奉关公戟可以表示对他英勇豪气的崇敬。



Close fair the important god in regarding China as traditional culture venerates one of, be mixed for mammon by consecrate military spirit, because this people consecrate involves money of fair in an attempt to,carry be prosperous, career has, healthy with the family restful. Consecrate closes fair most the article with flourishing best money is red normally, because red is indicative in Chinese culture the move is festival He Jixiang. It is a few consecrate close below fair the most commonly used article:

1.Close fair picture: Consecrate one honour close fair resembling is one of the most familiar pattern, best choice bronze or stone carving, because these material are qualitative,are long history and indicative sense in Chinese culture.

2.Gules joss sticks and candles: Gules joss sticks and candles is indicative festival He Jixiang, use at to Guan Gongqi blessing, express to be mixed to its respect devotional.

3.Close general picture or hang: Can hang in the home close general picture or hang, also can remove exorcise evil spirits, defend restful action.

4.Close fair horse: Closing fair horse is to close to sit fairly ride, what also be considered as money carry is indicative, because this consecrate closes fair horse,also be a kind of familiar pattern.

5.Guan Gongji: Involve fair weapon, also be him is indicative one of, consecrate closes what Gong Ji can express brave to him heroic spirit to esteem.

No matter choose what kind of article consecrate,close fair, the most important is devotional with sincere desire. Consecrate closes fair it is to seek money fortune not only, it is the expressive respect to him and belief more.
