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1. **自然风景画**:选择描绘自然风景的画作,如山水、花草、树木等。这样的画作能带来宁静和和谐的氛围,有助于放松身心,促进睡眠。

2. **夫妻同床画**:夫妻同床画是指一对情侣或夫妻的画像。挂在卧室内象征着家庭和睦、感情甜蜜,有助于增进夫妻感情。

3. **吉祥物画**:选择一些寓意吉祥、幸福的画作,如喜鹊、瑞兽、祥云等。这样的画作能给人带来积极向上的心态,增加生活的幸福感。

4. **艺术风格画**:根据个人喜好选择具有艺术感的画作,如抽象画、水彩画等。这样的画作能为卧室增添一份独特的氛围,反映主人的品味和个性。



Geomantic in learning, think, the adornment of the bedroom can affect the individual's health, affection and money use. The picture that is hanged in the bedroom had better choose downy, sweet style, avoid to choose too exciting or gloomy and cold design. It is a few common geomantic pictures register a way below:

1.** is natural landscape ** : The picture that chooses to represent natural view is made, wait like landscape, flowers and plants, tree. Such picture is made can bring halcyon the atmosphere with harmony, conduce to loosen body and mind, stimulative Morpheus.

2.** husband and wife draws ** with the bed: Husband and wife is drawn with the bed is the picture that points to a pair of sweethearts or husband and wife. Hang in the indicative family inside the bedroom harmonious, feeling is sweet, conduce to feeling of promotional husband and wife.

3.** mascot draws ** : Choose the picture with a few lucky, happy implied meaning to make, wait like animal of magpie, luck, auspicious cloud. Such picture is made can bring to the person active up state of mind, add the happy touch of the life.

4.** artistic style draws ** : According to individual be fond of the choice has the picture of artistic touch to make, wait like abstract painting, aquarelle. Such picture is made can add a distinctive atmosphere for the bedroom, report is savoured masterly and individual character.

No matter choose why to be planted,the picture of the style is made, the picture that should notice to avoid to hang the negative sentiment such as a few force, alone, sadness is made, in order to ensure the atmosphere of the bedroom maintains sweet harmony from beginning to end.
