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1. 木芙蓉:木芙蓉是夏季开花最为盛放的树种之一,其大而鲜艳的花朵在夏季绽放,给人一种清爽凉爽的感觉。
2. 木槿:木槿也是夏季开花的代表树种之一,其花朵大而美丽,色彩丰富,极具观赏价值。
3. 七里香:七里香是夏季常见的开花树种之一,其花朵绽放时,芳香四溢,给人一种清新的感觉。
4. 梧桐:梧桐是夏季常见的大型树种之一,其花朵在夏季开放,虽然不是很显眼,但也能为夏日增添一份生机。



In summer, a few trees are planted can blossom Cheng Fang, the commonnest include:

1.Cotton rose: Cotton rose is the summer blossoms to fill put tree to plant most one of, its are big and bright-coloured flower blossoms in the summer, give a person a kind of relaxed and cool sense.
2.Rose of Sharon: Rose of Sharon also is the delegate that the summer blossoms the tree is planted one of, its flower is big and beautiful, color is rich, provide extremely view and admire value.
3.7 lis sweet: 7 lis sweet it is the summer blossoms commonly the tree is planted one of, when its flower blossoms, balmy 4 excessive, give a person a kind of pure and fresh sense.
4.Chinese parasol: Chinese parasol is the large tree with common summer is planted one of, its flower is opened in the summer, although not be very conspicuous, but also can add a lease of life for summer.

These cultivate kind of landscape that can form beauty when the summer blossoms, attracting a lot of people to come round to view and admire.
