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1. **正南朝向(南向)**:南向被视为吉利的朝向,因为南方在中国传统文化中被认为是阳气最旺盛的方向,代表着繁荣和吉祥。住宅朝向正南可以吸引良好的气场和能量,有助于家庭的健康、财运和事业发展。

2. **东向**:东方也是一个吉利的朝向,因为日出的方向。东向被视为充满活力和生机的方向,能带来积极的气场和新的机遇。选择东向朝向的房屋可以促进家庭成员的精力和创造力。

3. **西向**:西方在风水中通常也被视为吉利的朝向之一,因为太阳落山的方向。西向被认为可以带来平静和安宁的氛围,有助于家庭成员放松心情、充分休息。



Think in geomantic theory, those who choose the front of a building to be able to affect it is geomantic. Generally speaking, according to traditional geomantic idea, the following front are considered as most of flourishing:

1.** the Southern Dynasties to (south to) ** : South to be regarded as auspicious head, because south is in China,this world is considered as to enrage the most exuberant direction in traditional culture, representing prosperous He Jixiang. The residence faces towards south can draw good gas field and energy, carry of the health that conduces to a family, money and enterprise develop.

2.** east to ** : East also is an auspicious front, because of the direction of sunrise. East to be regarded as red-blooded the direction with opportunity of survival, can bring positive gas field and new opportunity. Choose east the energy that can promote domestic member to the building of front and creativity.

3.** on the west to ** : The west is in geomantic in also be regarded as one of auspicious head normally, because of the direction that the sun sets. On the west to be thought to be able to bring calm and quiet atmosphere, conduce to domestic member loosening rest the mood, adequately.

Although geomantic front to living environmental influence has certain belief and tradition, but when the building faces towards, the choice also should consider other factor, those who be like natural light, wind is current wait. The final be fond of that chooses to should combine an individual, effective demand and geomantic idea.
