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1. **红色饰品**:红色被认为是中国文化中代表吉祥和好运的颜色。戴上红色的项链、手链或戒指可能有助于吸引好运和积极的人际关系。

2. **翡翠**:在中国文化中,翡翠被视为幸运石,有助于保护人们免受邪恶的影响。戴上翡翠饰品可能会增加自信心,从而帮助你更轻松地与人交往。

3. **水晶**:水晶被认为具有净化和平衡能量的作用。戴上水晶项链或手链可能有助于提升你的能量场,并吸引积极的人际关系。

4. **铜制品**:在一些文化中,铜被认为是吸引财富和好运的金属。戴上铜制的饰品可能有助于改善财务状况,并增加人脉。

5. **风水珠**:风水珠是一种常见的风水工具,被认为能够吸引好运和积极能量。戴上风水珠项链或手链可能有助于保护你免受负面能量的影响,并促进良好的人际关系。



Open carry and flourishing person arteries and veins adorn article have a lot of kinds of choices, but the most important is to choose to accord with your individual to savour what pledge compatibly to act the role of article. However, a few act the role of commonly it is OK to taste in promotion movement power mixes increase respect of person arteries and veins to produce effect:

1.** red acts the role of taste ** : Red is considered as the color that use of lucky become reconciled represents in Chinese culture. Catenary of the necklace that wears red, hand or ring may conduce to attract lucky with positive human impact.

2.** halcyon ** : In Chinese culture, halcyon is regarded as lucky stone, conduce to protection people is avoided suffer evil effect. Wear emerald act the role ofing to taste may increase self-confident heart, help you interact easily with the person thereby.

3.** crystal ** : Crystal is thought to have the effect that purify and balances energy. Wear crystal necklace or hand catenary may conduce to the energy field that promotes you, attract positive human impact.

4.** of ** copper products: In a few culture, copper is considered as to attract fortune and lucky metal. Wear coppery to act the role of taste a likelihood to conduce to improvement financial standing, increase person arteries and veins.

5.** of ** wind drip: Wind drip is a kind of common geomantic tool, be thought to be able to be attracted lucky with active energy. Wear wind drip necklace or hand catenary to may conduce to protection you avoid the effect that suffers negative energy, promote good human relationship.

No matter choose which kinds to act the role of,taste, the key is the force that believes them, establish a kind of active connection to it. In the meantime, want to remember, true lucky come from the effort at you and positive attitude with the success.
