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  • 退休(Retirement)是指个人在达到一定年龄或满足特定条件后,从全职工作中退出,开始享受退休生活。这通常与领取养老金(pension)或退休金(retirement benefits)相关联。退休年龄在不同国家和地区有所不同,但普遍在60至65岁之间。退休生活可以包括休闲活动、旅行、志愿服务或继续教育等。随着全球人口老龄化,退休规划和退休金的可持续性成为了社会和政府关注的重点。


    1. Retirement - 退休 2. Pension - 养老金 3. Retirement benefits - 退休福利 4. Early retirement - 提前退休 5. Retirement age - 退休年龄 6. Retirement planning - 退休规划 7. Retiree - 退休人员 8. Pensioner - 领取养老金的人 9. Golden years - 金色年华(指退休后的岁月) 10. Social security - 社会保障 11. Retirement home - 养老院 12. Active retirement - 积极退休(指退休后仍积极参与社会活动) 13. Retirement savings - 退休储蓄 14. Annuity - 年金(一种定期支付的养老金) 15. Retirement community - 退休社区


    Embracing the Golden Years of Retirement   Retirement is a significant milestone in one's life, marking the transition from a career-driven existence to a period of leisure and personal pursuits. It is a time when individuals can finally enjoy the fruits of their labor, indulge in hobbies, and spend quality time with family and friends.   Planning for retirement is crucial to ensure a comfortable and fulfilling life post-career. This involves saving for the future, investing wisely, and understanding the financial implications of retirement. Many people look forward to early retirement, which allows them to pursue their passions and interests without the constraints of a full-time job.   However, retirement also brings challenges, such as adjusting to a new routine and potentially dealing with a decrease in social interaction. It is essential to maintain an active lifestyle and engage in activities that promote mental and physical well-being. Volunteering, joining clubs, or taking up new hobbies can help retirees stay connected and contribute positively to their communities.   In conclusion, retirement should be seen as an opportunity to explore new horizons and enjoy the golden years of life. With proper planning and a positive attitude, retirees can make the most of this new chapter, creating lasting memories and experiences.
    拥抱退休的金色年华   退休是人生的一个重要里程碑,标志着从以职业为导向的生活向休闲和个人追求的转变。这是一个人终于可以享受劳动成果,沉迷于爱好,与家人朋友共度美好时光的时刻。   为退休做好规划至关重要,以确保退休后的生活舒适且充实。这包括为未来储蓄,明智投资,以及理解退休的财务影响。许多人期待提前退休,这样他们就可以在没有全职工作的约束下追求自己的激情和兴趣。   然而,退休也带来了挑战,比如适应新的日常,以及可能减少的社交互动。保持活跃的生活方式,参与促进身心健康的活动至关重要。志愿服务、加入俱乐部或尝试新的爱好可以帮助退休人员保持联系,积极为社区做出贡献。   总之,退休应该被视为探索新视野,享受人生金色年华的机会。通过适当的规划和积极的态度,退休人员可以充分利用这个新篇章,创造持久的记忆和经历。