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1. **清洁与净化**:在处理灵牌之前,先要洗净双手,保持身心清洁。有些人还会使用香或清水净化灵牌。

2. **敬献供品**:在灵牌前摆放供品,如鲜花、水果、香烛等,以示敬意和感恩。

3. **祷告或默念**:可以默念祈祷或心中默念虔诚的话语,表达对神灵的敬意和请求。

4. **安置位置**:将灵牌摆放在清净的地方,避免与杂物混杂。有些人选择将灵牌放在神龛或特定的祭台上。

5. **定期更换供品**:定期更换供品,以保持供奉的新鲜和整洁。

6. **不可随意移动**:尊重灵牌的位置和摆放方式,避免随意移动或摆弄。

7. **根据信仰行事**:最重要的是根据个人的信仰和传统来处理灵牌,保持虔诚和尊重的心态。


Consecrate clever card needs to be treated in order to respect with cautious attitude normally. Because the method that deals clever card is devotional with the tradition different, but it is a few common practices below:

1.** cleanness and purify ** : Before dealing clever card, want abluent both hands first, maintain cleanness of body and mind. Some people still can use sweet or clear water purification clever card.

2.** of offerings of ** Jing Xian: Offerings is put before clever card, wait like flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, with showing devoir is mixed be thankful.

3.** prayer or silent read aloud ** : Can silent reads aloud pray or the silent in the heart attends devotional speech, convey the devoir to deities and request.

4.** installs set buy ** : Will clever card is put in kosher place, avoid with sundry and jumbly. Choose of some person selected puts clever shop sign on shrine or stage of specific hold a memorial ceremony for.

5.** changes regularly offerings ** : Change regularly offerings, with maintaining consecrate fresh and neat.

6.** cannot move at will ** : The place that respects clever card and put way, prevent optional shift or move back and forth.

7.** basis is devotional act ** : The most important is a basis the individual's belief and tradition will deal clever card, keep devotional with valued state of mind.
