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1. 祈祷:在寺庙内或者供奉的地方,可以默念或者诵读经文,表达虔诚的祈祷之心。

2. 点香:点香是一种表达敬意和虔诚的方式,可以选择自己喜爱的香型,在供奉的地方点香,以示敬意。

3. 献花:在供奉处摆放鲜花,表达对佛祖或菩萨的敬意和虔诚。

4. 敬献供品:可以准备一些食物、水果、茶叶等供品,放在供奉的地方,表示对神灵的敬意和供养。

5. 行香礼:可以在供奉处行三步一拜的香礼,表示对神灵的敬意和敬仰。



Yong He palace is a famous Buddhist temple, consecrate means may differ somewhat according to the individual's belief and habit. Generally speaking, the means of consecrate can include the following kinds:

1.Pray: Inside cloister or the place of consecrate, can silent reads aloud or chant lection, convey the heart of devotional prayer.

2.The dot is sweet: The dot is sweet it is devoir of a kind of expression and devotional means, what can choose oneself to love is sweet model, the local dot in consecrate is sweet, in order to show respect.

3.Present a flower: The flower is put in consecrate place, the respect that expresses pair of Budda or Bodhisattva and devotional.

4.Jing Xian offerings: Can plan the offerings such as a few food, fruit, tea, put in the place of consecrate, the respect that shows pair of deities and make offerings to.

5.Hang Xiangli: A sweet ceremony that 3 paces do obeisance to can be in in consecrate, the respect that shows pair of deities and revere.

The means of consecrate can is used to because of district, tradition and individual and differ somewhat, important is a heart sincere clever, the respect that expresses a heart and devotional can.
