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1. **吉祥菊花(菊花)**:菊花象征着长寿、幸福和财富,适合属鸡的人。

2. **富贵竹**:富贵竹被认为是能够吸引财富和好运的植物,摆放在家中或办公室都有助于提升财运。

3. **吉祥兰花**:兰花被视为吉祥、高雅的象征,有助于带来好运和财富。

4. **发财树(绿萝)**:发财树象征着财富和繁荣,是一种常见的用于提升财运的植物。

5. **紫薇花**:紫薇花被认为能够带来好运和财富,也是一个不错的选择。



The person that belongs to chicken can choose a few indicative fortune and lucky flowers to promote money use. It is a few common choices below:

1.** lucky chrysanthemum (chrysanthemum) ** : Chrysanthemum is indicative long life, happiness and fortune, suit to belong to gallinaceous person.

2.** of bamboo of ** riches and honour: Bamboo of riches and honour is considered as the plant that can attract fortune become reconciled to carry, put be in the home or the office conduces to promotion money carry.

3.** of ** lucky orchid: Orchid is regarded as lucky, decorous indicative, conduce to bring lucky with fortune.

4.** gets rich tree (green trailing plants) ** : Get rich the tree is indicative fortune and prosperity, it is a kind of common plant that is used at promoting money use.

5.** crape myrtle spends ** : Crape myrtle perianth thinks to be able to be brought lucky with fortune, also be a right choice.

Choose which kinds of flowers to be able to decide according to individual be fond of and actual condition, important is put in the home a few can bring cheerful the plant with active energy.
