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1. **吉祥草**:又称金钱草或招财草,寓意财源广进,可以放置在家中或办公室。
2. **发财树**:象征着财运亨通,生意兴隆,适合摆放在家中或商铺。
3. **吉祥花**:如黄色的金莲花或者金盏花,寓意着财源滚滚,适合摆放在家中或庭院。
4. **石斛兰**:被认为有招财旺财的效果,而且还有保健作用。
5. **葫芦**:葫芦寓意着福禄寿三星高照,也是一种充满吉祥寓意的植物。



According to Chinese traditional culture, hare year what to raise to spend most the flowers that flourishing money can consider to cultivate lucky riches and honour, be like:

1.** of ** lucky grass: Call money grass or action money grass again, import source of revenue is wide into, can place be in the home or the office.
2.** gets rich tree ** : Indicative money carry be prosperous, the business is thriving, suit to put be in the home or business shop.
3.** of ** lucky flower: The Jin Lian that is like yellow is spent or pot marigold, the implied meaning is worn exchequer billow, suit to put be in the home or court.
4.** the stem of noble dendrobium orchid ** : Be thought to have the effect of money of the flourishing that enrol money, and still have sanitarian effect.
5.** calabash ** : Calabash implied meaning is worn SamSung illuminates Fu Lushou high, also be a kind of plant that is full of lucky implied meaning.

These flowers and plant are having rich culture intention, can be hare year money carry is brought lucky.
