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1. **避免将床摆放在门的正对位置上**:这被认为是“冲煞”的位置,会让能量流动过快,影响休息和睡眠品质。

2. **确保床的头部靠墙**:这会给人一种安全感和支持感,有助于稳定情绪和睡眠。

3. **避免将床摆放在过道或走廊的尽头**:这样的位置会让能量过于直接地流过床,影响休息质量。

4. **尽量避免将床摆放在梁下**:有些人认为梁上会压抑能量,影响健康和情绪。

5. **保持床边通畅**:确保床边没有太多杂物,保持通畅有利于能量流动。



Of bed ark it is OK to put the position the influence is geomantic flow with energy, but want to remember, geomantic because culture, district is mixed,learn the individual is devotional and differ somewhat. Generally speaking, according to geomantic a few principles, the following may be right of bed ark put help somewhat:

1.** avoids to put the bed in the door the ** on contrapuntal buy: This is considered as " strong evil spirit " the position, can make energy flow too fast, the influence rests and Morpheus character.

2.** ensures the head of the bed relies on wall ** : This meeting gives a person a kind of safe feeling and supportive sense, conduce to stable mood and Morpheus.

3.** avoids to put the bed the end ** in corridor or corridor: Such position can let energy too had shed a bed forthrightly, the influence rests quality.

4.** avoids to put the bed as far as possible ** falls in bridge: Some people think Liang Shanghui depresses energy, affect health and mood.

5.** maintains bedside unobstructed ** : Ensure bedside is done not have too much and sundry, maintain unobstructed to be helpful for energy flow.

These are a few common geomantic principles only, put the be fond of of the overall arrangement that considers a room even, individual and real case specificly. The most important is, the choice lets you feel comfortable put the position with what loosen.
