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1. **正前方或正中央**:楼房正前方或正中央通常被认为是最旺财运的位置,因为它们可以吸引并聚集财气。

2. **主入口附近**:如果楼房的主入口位于一个宽敞明亮的区域,并且有清晰的通道引导财气进入,这个位置也是旺财运的。

3. **靠近水源**:靠近水源的楼房通常被认为财气较旺,因为水象征财富流动。然而,需要注意水源是否干净、清澈,以及水流是否顺畅。

4. **高处**:在城市中,楼房的高度也与财运有关。通常来说,高层建筑的顶部更容易接收到财气,因此高楼层的单位可能会更旺财。



Be in geomantic in learning, the position of the building has certain effect to money carry. Generally speaking, the following positions are considered as most flourishing money carries:

1.** ahead or midpoint ** : Building ahead or midpoint are considered as normally most the position that flourishing money carries, because they are OK,be attracted and collect wealth vital energy.

2.** advocate near the entrance ** : If of the building advocate the entrance is located in a capacious and bright area, and have clear channel guide wealth vital energy to enter, this position also is flourishing money carry.

3.** stands by fountainhead ** : The building that approachs source of water is thought money is enraged normally relatively flourishing, because water is indicative,fortune flows. However, need notices whether clean, source of water is clear, and flow is smooth.

4.** altitude ** : In the city, the height of the building also is concerned with money carry. Normally for, high-level architectural coping receives money more easily to enrage, the unit because of this high-rise layer may more flourishing money.

However, geomantic the element that is not carry of only effect money. The person's effort, wisdom and opportunity are likewise significant. Geomantic it is one kind is assisted only, cannot replace the individual's effort and wisdom.
