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1. **开口朝外的貔貅**:有些人认为,贔貅开口朝外可以吸纳财气,让财运不断流入。因此,选择开口朝外的貔貅可能会被认为是最聚财的。

2. **丰满、肥硕的貔貅**:一些人相信,形态丰满、肥硕的貔貅更具有财富的象征意义,因为它们象征着财源滚滚,财富丰盈。

3. **摆放位置**:贔貅的摆放位置也可能影响其聚财效果。一般而言,将贔貅放置在家中财位、办公室的财位或者是正对门口的位置,被认为是有利于吸引财运的。



A mythical wild animal to be considered as a kind of indicative fortune and lucky divine animal, different traditional culture and belief may have different view. Generally speaking, a few common point of views think, the money carry of Zuo Xiu and flourishing money rate likelihood and its configuration, attitude or put the position to concern. For example:

1.The ** aing mythical wild animal outside ** mouth face: Some people think, Zuo can induct wealth vital energy outside Xiu mouth face, carry allowing money is flowed into ceaselessly. Accordingly, outside choosing mouth government a mythical wild animal may be considered as most get together of money.

2.** the ** aing mythical wild animal of plump, big and fleshy: A few people believe, configuration the as mythical wild animal to have money more symbolic significance of plump, big and fleshy, because of they are indicative exchequer billow, money heavy full figure.

3.** puts positional ** : Of Zuo Xiu put the position to affect its possibly also to get together wealth effect. Generally speaking, place Zuo Xiu in the money in the home, the money of the office perhaps be opposite the position of the doorway, be considered as to be helpful for attracting money to carry.

Those who need an attention is, these are traditional ideas, do not have scientific evidence support. No matter choose which kinds to a mythical wild animal, the most important is the state of mind that keeps good is mixed work hard, ability attracts fortune become reconciled carry truly.
