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1. **吉祥植物**:一些植物被认为能够吸引好运气和财富,例如,吉祥树、幸运竹、吊兰、文竹等。这些植物被认为有助于提升店铺的气场和吸引顾客。

2. **绿色植物**:绿色被认为是与财富和繁荣相关联的颜色,因此种植一些绿色植物,如绿萝、仙人掌等,可能有助于提升店铺的财运。

3. **花卉**:一些花卉被认为能够带来好运气,例如,向日葵、四叶草等。它们被认为具有积极的能量,可以给人带来愉悦和好运。

4. **观赏果树**:一些店主选择种植观赏果树,如柑橘类植物,因为它们象征着丰收和财富。



What plant is cultivated to be able to promote money carry and fortune in the shop on this problem, have the belief of a few traditions and idea. It is a few common choices below:

1.** of ** lucky plant: A few plants are thought to be able to draw lucky gas and money, for example, lucky tree, lucky bamboo, bracketplant, asparagus. The gas field that these plants are thought to conduce to promotion shop and attract a customer.

2.** greenery ** : Green is considered as as associated as fortune and prosperous photograph color, because this cultivates a few greenery, wait like green trailing plants, cacti, the likelihood conduces to the money use that promotes store.

3.** flowers ** : A few flowers are thought to be able to bring lucky energy of life, for example, grass of helianthus, 4 leaves. They are thought to have active energy, can bring cheerful become reconciled to carry to the person.

4.** views and admire fruiter ** : A few merchant choose to cultivate view and admire a fruiter, be like orange kind plant, because of they are indicative bumper harvest and fortune.

Those who need an attention is, these are the choices that are based on traditional belief and folklore, prove without scientific basis they can bring money luck really. However, these plants can add green idea for storefront, build comfortable atmosphere, attract a customer thereby, this perhaps is them " flourishing money carries " one of reasons.
