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1. **吉祥竹**:在中国文化中,吉祥竹被认为是带来好运和财富的象征。它的生长茁壮可能被认为预示着财富的增长。

2. **幸运竹**:类似于吉祥竹,幸运竹也被认为具有吸引好运和财富的能力。

3. **吊兰**:吊兰是一种容易护理的室内植物,被认为可以吸收负能量并带来好运。

4. **绿萝**:绿萝是另一个被认为具有招财作用的植物,因为其生长茂盛并且易于繁殖。

5. **发财树**:发财树是一种常见的室内植物,也被认为有助于吸引财富和好运。



A few people believe to place a few plants to be able to be brought in the shop lucky with fortune. Although do not have scientific evidence to be able to prove the plant can bring money luck directly, but a few people think the following plant may have such effect:

1.** of ** lucky bamboo: In Chinese culture, lucky bamboo is considered as to bring lucky with fortune indicative. Its growth healthy and strong may be thought the growth of adumbrative fortune.

2.** of ** lucky bamboo: Be similar to lucky bamboo, lucky bamboo also is thought to have attract lucky the ability with fortune.

3.** bracketplant ** : Bracketplant is a kind of houseplant that nurses easily, be thought to be able to draw negative energy and be brought lucky.

4.** of ** green trailing plants: Green trailing plants is another plant that is thought to have the effect that enrol money, because its grow flourish and breed easily.

5.** gets rich tree ** : Get rich the tree is a kind of common houseplant, also be thought to conduce to attract fortune become reconciled to carry.

No matter which choose to cultivate substance, should remember, the mentality that the likelihood reflects their real action morely to be brought to people in them is cheerful feel and loosen the effect to go up, the fortune with direct and rather than grows.
