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1. 镇宅符:道家认为镇宅符可以辟邪驱邪,保护家庭免受邪恶力量的侵扰,确保家庭平安。

2. 龙凤配:在中国传统文化中,龙象征着权力和男性,凤象征着美好和女性。放置龙凤配可以带来夫妻和睦、家庭幸福的寓意。

3. 风水镜:风水镜在道家文化中有着镇宅避邪的作用,能够化解不利的气场,保护住宅的安宁和和谐。

4. 符咒挂件:挂上符咒或者道家经文的挂件,可以增加床头区域的祥和气场,为睡眠带来保护和祝福。

5. 神像或者圣物:在床头放置家中信仰的神像或者圣物,可以加强对神灵的敬畏和信仰,带来心灵的宁静和安慰。



In Taoist school culture, the head of a bed places the article that accords with Taoist school belief to be able to bring the atmosphere with restful, auspicious and mysterious auspicious. It is below a few the article in the head of a bed places in what middling of Taoist school culture sees:

1.Town curtilage accord with: Taoist school thinks to press down curtilage accord with is OK exorcise of exorcise evil spirits, protective family avoids the intrusion that gets evil power, ensure the family is restful.

2.Long Feng matchs: In Chinese traditional culture, dragon is indicative influence and male, phoenix indicative happiness and female. Place Long Feng to deserve to be able to bring husband and wife the implied meaning of happiness of harmonious, family.

3.Geomantic lens: Geomantic lens is having a town to avoid curtilage in Taoist school culture the action of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease, can dissolve adverse gas field, those who protect the residence is quiet with harmony.

4.Charm hangs: Hang charm or of Taoist school lection hang, what can add section of the head of a bed is auspicious gas field, bring protection and blessing for Morpheus.

5.God or holy content: The God that places the belief in the home in the head of a bed or holy content, what can strengthen pair of deities is awe-stricken with belief, those who bring the soul is halcyon and comfort.

As a whole, the head of a bed of Taoist school belief should be one kind can be brought to the person set one's mind at feeling, auspicious feeling and the space that belief feels, the goods that chooses to accord with him belief and be fond of is the most fundamental.
