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1. 眉清目秀:清晰而有神的眉毛,明亮而有神的眼睛。
2. 五官端正:鼻子直而不过大,唇线清晰而丰满,下巴匀称。
3. 肤色光泽:健康的肤色,红润而有光泽。
4. 气质优雅:举止得体,优雅自信,流露出内在的魅力和气质。
5. 身材匀称:体态匀称,身姿挺拔,有自信的步伐。



Face posture learns is a kind of old traditional theory, the appearance that recognizes humanness can reflect the side such as its disposition, destiny and health. However, face posture learns to be not the field that confirms scientificly, because this is mixed to different culture,explain a likelihood traditionally to be put in difference.

Generally speaking, according to traditional face posture theory, most the feminine face posture of flourishing may include the following feature:

1.Have delicate features: Clear and the brow that has a mind, bright and the eye that has a mind.
2.Facial features is regular: Nose is straight and too not big, labial line is clear and plump, chin is well-balanced.
3.Burnish of color of skin: Healthy color of skin, ruddy and luster.
4.Temperament is elegant: Behavior is decent, grace is self-confident, reveal immanent glamour and temperament.
5.The figure is well-balanced: Posture is well-balanced, body appearance is forceful, self-assured pace.

Those who need an attention is, these features are a kind of view that traditional area posture learns only, because of the person different, and support without scientific basis. Real fascination and happy feeling come from underlying tone and manner, is outside not just.
