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1. **桃花**:显然,桃花本身就是象征爱情的代表,因此被认为能够吸引爱情和感情运势。

2. **牡丹**:在中国文化中,牡丹被视为富贵、吉祥、繁荣和爱情的象征,因此也被认为有助于招来爱情运势。

3. **玫瑰**:玫瑰花是爱情的象征,不同颜色的玫瑰代表不同的含义,例如红玫瑰代表热情和浪漫,粉玫瑰代表甜蜜和喜悦,白玫瑰代表纯洁和美好。因此,种植玫瑰花可能会增进爱情运势。

4. **满天星**:满天星花语是“思恋”,有助于表达对爱人的思念之情,因此也被认为有利于增进感情运势。



Peach blossom is symbolizing normally love and feeling, and " flourishing peach blossom " what one word points to normally is to attract the meaning of power of more love movement or power of promotional feeling movement. Although do not have scientific evidence to support specific flowers to be able to bring more love,carry situation, but be in geomantic with traditional culture in, a few flowers are thought to be able to promote love movement power. When selecting a plant, you can consider the following flowers:

1.** of ** peach blossom: Apparent, peach blossom itself is the delegate of indicative love, be thought to be able to draw love and emotional movement power accordingly.

2.** peony ** : In Chinese culture, what peony is regarded as riches and honour, lucky, prosperity and love is indicative, because this also is thought,conduce to draw on love movement power.

3.** rose ** : The rose is love is indicative, the rose of different color represents different meaning, for example enthusiasm of red rose delegate and romance, powdery rose represents sweetness and joyance, white rose represents chasteness and happiness. Accordingly, cultivate a rose may power of promotional love movement.

4.** is all over the sky astral ** : All over the sky astral beautiful words is " Sai Lian " , conduce to the affection of the longing that conveys pair of sweethearts, because this also is thought,be helpful for power of promotional feeling movement.

No matter choose which kinds of painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, the key depends on the understanding of your belief and symbolic to them significance. Cultivate and take care of these flowers to also can become a kind of ceremony, make you more dedicated carry at attracting love or promotional feeling situation.
