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1. **药材和香料植物**:例如薄荷、迷迭香、薰衣草等。这些植物通常有很高的市场需求,尤其是有机和高品质的产品。

2. **高附加值的水果和蔬菜**:比如覆盆子、蓝莓、石榴、番茄等。这些水果和蔬菜的价格通常比较高,特别是在季节性供应不足时。

3. **有机农产品**:越来越多的人在追求健康生活方式,对有机产品的需求也在增加。有机蔬菜、水果和谷物都有很好的市场潜力。

4. **特色品种**:考虑一些独特的或当地特色的作物,可能会有一定的市场优势。比如传统的古老品种、特殊的颜色或形状等。

5. **高效的农业技术**:除了作物选择,还可以考虑使用一些高效的农业技术,比如水培、垂直农业等,以提高产量和利润。



The crop that the choice suits to cultivate depends on greatly quality of condition of the situation that you are in, climate, soil and market demand. However, some crop make money quite in a lot of areas normally, for instance high quality fruit, vegetable is mixed herbal. You can consider the crop that big, price stabilizes the demand on market of a few place, for instance:

1.** medicinal material and flavor plant ** : For example field mint, rosemary, lavender. These plants have very high market demand normally, especially organic with high quality product.

2.The fruit of high additional cost mixes ** vegetable ** : For instance raspberry, La Mei, pomegranate, tomato. These fruits and vegetable price are compared normally tall, be in especially seasonal when in short supply.

3.** organic produce ** : More and more people are pursueing healthy way of life, also increasing to the demand of organic product. Organic vegetable, fruit and cereal have very good market potential.

4.** characteristic tastes kind of ** : Consideration a few distinctive or the crop of local characteristic, may have stated market dominant position. For instance traditional old breed, special color or appearance.

5.The agrotechnical ** with efficient ** : Besides crop choice, still can consider to use a few efficient agrotechnical, for instance water is earthed up, perpendicular agriculture, in order to increase crop and profit.

Before planting any crop, had better undertake survey mixes sufficient market to make an on-the-spot investigation on the spot, understand local market demand and price situation, and the cost that plants this crop and risk.
