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1. **选择供奉地点:** 选择一个清洁、安静的地方作为供奉陈十四娘娘的地方。可以是家中的一角或专门的神龛。

2. **供奉台:** 在供奉地点放置一个供奉台,上面摆放着供奉神像或画像的台座。

3. **神像或画像:** 准备一尊陈十四娘娘的神像或画像,放置在供奉台上。神像或画像应该是精美的,以示尊敬。

4. **供品:** 准备各种供品,如水果、花卉、香炉、香烛等。这些供品可以代表虔诚和敬意。

5. **燃香烛:** 点燃香炉中的香或蜡烛,代表对陈十四娘娘的尊敬和祈祷。

6. **祈祷:** 在供奉台前虔诚地祈祷,表达对陈十四娘娘的尊敬、感恩和祈愿。可以诚心地祈求健康、幸福、平安等。

7. **定期供奉:** 最好定期进行供奉,可以是每天、每周或每月一次,以保持心灵与神明的联系。



Chen Shisi empress or imperial concubine of the first rank needs consecrate to undertake according to traditional pattern, it is common consecrate step below:

1.** selects consecrate site: ** chooses a cleanness, quiet place to regard consecrate as the place of Chen Shisi empress or imperial concubine of the first rank. Can be a medium one horn or special a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets.

2.** consecrate stage: ** sets stage of a consecrate in consecrate place, there is the entablement of consecrate God or picture above.

3.** God or picture: ** prepares one honour the God of Chen Shisi empress or imperial concubine of the first rank or picture, place go up in consecrate stage. God or picture should be elegant, in order to show respect.

4.** offerings: ** plans all sorts of offerings, wait like fruit, flowers, censer, joss sticks and candles. These offerings can be represented mix piously devoir.

5.** lights joss sticks and candles: ** ignites censer medium sweet or the candle, represent pair of Chen Shisi to respect and pray of empress or imperial concubine of the first rank.

6.** prays: ** prays piously before consecrate stage, the respect that expresses pair of Chen Shisi empress or imperial concubine of the first rank, be thankful and invocatory. OK and sincere ground is invocatory health, happy, restful wait.

7.** fixed consecrate: ** had better undertake consecrate regularly, can be everyday, weekly or mensal, in order to maintain the connection of the heart and deities.

These are the measure of empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of general consecrate Chen Shisi, but particular consecrate kind may is used to because of district and individual and differ somewhat, you can be adjusted appropriately according to your circumstance.
