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1. 摆放财神像或画像。通常将其放在家中或店铺的显眼位置,如柜台、办公桌等。

2. 准备供品。常见的有鲜花、水果、糖果、香烛等。将它们整洁地摆放在财神像前。

3. 虔诚拜拜。在财神诞时,可以焚香拜拜,诚心祈求财运亨通、生意兴隆等。

4. 点燃红蜡烛。红色代表吉祥,有助于祈求财富和幸福。

5. 贴春联或对联。可以贴在财神像附近,表达对财富和兴旺的祝福。

6. 食用财神饼。许多地区都有传统的财神节应节食品,如财神饼、财神糖等。

7. 举行庆祝活动。有些地方会组织财神庙会、祭拜仪式等来庆祝这一节日。



The basis is traditional and consuetudinary, it is the common practice that mammon of a few consecrate as form of a address for an official or rich man below:

1.Put money God or picture. Put its in the home normally or the conspicuous position of shop, wait like bar, desk.

2.Plan offerings. Commonly flower, fruit, candied, joss sticks and candles waits. Put them trimly before mammon resembles.

3.Do obeisance to piously. It is when mammon birth, can cense do obeisance to, grand of be prosperous of carry of sincere and invocatory money, unripe enthusiasm.

4.Ignite red candle. Gules delegate is lucky, conduce to invocatory fortune and happiness.

5.Stick spring festival scrolls or couplet. Can stick around money God, convey pair of fortune and flourishing blessing.

6.Edible mammon cake. The mammon red-letter day that a lot of areas have a tradition should be on a diet article, wait like candy of mammon cake, mammon.

7.Hold congratulatory activity. Some places can organize type of Bai Yi of mammon temple fair, hold a memorial ceremony for to wait will celebrate this one red-letter day.

Anyhow, important is intention consecrate, cordial ground does obeisance to the blessing that do obeisance to pray to mammon, with period gain auspicious money use.
