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1. **祭拜仪式:** 在特定的日期或节日,可以举行祭拜仪式,向树木祈福、献花或献香等,表达对大自然的敬畏和感激之情。

2. **放置祭品:** 在树木周围放置水果、糖果、谷物等祭品,表示对树木的敬意和感谢。

3. **挂牌祈福:** 可以在树木上挂上写有祈福或祝福语的牌子或纸条,表达祈求健康、平安或其他愿望。

4. **保护树木:** 在日常生活中,要注意保护树木,不随意砍伐或伤害树木,保持周围环境整洁。

5. **定期照顾:** 给树木浇水、修剪树枝、施肥等,保持树木的生机。



Consecrate tree is OK the religious belief according to the individual and tradition are consuetudinary will undertake. Generally speaking, consecrate tree can carry the following kind:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: ** is in specific date or festival, can hold hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to a ceremony, blessing of Xiang Shumu pray, present a flower or display sweet etc, those who convey pair of nature is awe-stricken with appreciative sentiment.

2.** places oblation: ** is all round tree place the oblation such as fruit, candied, cereal, express pair of arboreous devoir and acknowledgment.

3.** hangs out his shingle pray blessing: ** can hang the sign that keeps blessing having pray or beatific sign or scrip on tree, express invocatory health, restful or other desire.

4.** protects tree: ** is in daily life, want to notice to protect tree, not optional fell trees or harm are arboreous, maintain surroundings neat.

5.** takes care of regularly: ** waters tree, pollard, fertilization, maintain arboreous lease of life.

These methods can undertake be adjusted appropriately and be assorteded according to the individual's be fond of and tradition.
