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1. 准备祭品:根据信仰,选择适当的祭品,如鲜花、水果、糕点、香烛等。确保祭品的品质新鲜和清洁。

2. 清洁法坛:在供奉之前,清洁法坛,保持神圣的环境。可以使用清水或特殊的清洁剂。

3. 朝拜神像:将祭品摆放在法坛前,并对着神像跪拜或合十,表达敬意和虔诚。

4. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,象征着虔诚的心意和祈祷。根据个人喜好和信仰,选择合适的香烛。

5. 祈祷和献花:在供奉过程中,默念祈祷或念经,表达对神灵的敬意和祈愿。将鲜花摆放在神像前,作为献礼和祈祷的象征。

6. 奉献祭品:将准备好的祭品摆放在法坛上,作为对神灵的奉献和敬意。



The means of consecrate law altar because of religion and belief different, but normally the practice includes the following measure:

1.Plan sacrificial offerings: The basis is devotional, choose proper oblation, wait like flower, fruit, cake, joss sticks and candles. Ensure the character of oblation is new with cleanness.

2.Clean law altar: Before consecrate, clean law altar, maintain divine environment. Can use clear water or special cleaner.

3.Pilgrimage God: Put oblation before law altar, and to God worship on bended knees or put the palms together, expressive devoir and devotional.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, indicative religious purpose and pray. According to individual be fond of and belief, choose appropriate joss sticks and candles.

5.Pray and present a flower: In consecrate process, silent reads aloud pray or recite scriptures, the respect that expresses pair of deities and invocatory. Put the flower before God, symbolize with what pray as tribute.

6.Consecratory oblation: Put ready oblation go up in law altar, as the dedication to deities and devoir.

These measure are the groovy practice of altar of general consecrate law, specific details is likely because of religion and area differ somewhat. When consecrate, should maintain heart good faith, express sincere tribute and sincere cherished desire.
