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1. 清除供奉台上的杂物和灰尘。使用软刷或者干净的布将供奉台表面上的灰尘和杂物清除干净。

2. 使用湿布擦拭供奉台表面。可以用清水或者混合了少量洗涤剂的水湿润布料,轻轻擦拭供奉台的表面,确保表面干净。

3. 擦拭神像或供品。用湿布轻轻擦拭神像或供品的表面,去除灰尘和污垢。

4. 定期更换供品。如果供品已经变旧或者腐烂,应该及时更换,避免引发不良气味或者滋生细菌。

5. 清洗烛台或烛台灯。如果供奉台上有烛台或者烛台灯,需要定期清洗,确保其清洁卫生。

6. 维护供奉台的环境。保持供奉台周围环境的整洁,避免灰尘和杂物堆积,有利于供奉台的清洁和美观。



The measure that consecrate stage clears can divide it is the following:

1.On cleared consecrate stage sundry with dirt. Use soft brush clean perhaps cloth consecrate stage apparently dirt is mixed sundry and cleared clean.

2.Use wet cloth to wipe consecrate stage appearance. The water that perhaps can mix a few scour with clear water is wet cloth, wipe the surface of consecrate stage gently, ensure the surface is clean.

3.Wipe God or offerings. Wipe the surface of God or offerings gently with wet cloth, purify dirt and bilge.

4.Change regularly offerings. If offerings has become old to perhaps decay, should change in time, avoid to cause bad taste to perhaps cause a bacterium.

5.Clean candlestick or candle desk lamp. If there is candlestick on consecrate stage,perhaps illuminate desk lamp, need to be cleaned regularly, ensure its are clean and wholesome.

6.Safeguard the environment of consecrate stage. Carry consecrate station of surroundings neat, avoid dirt and sundry accumulation, the cleanness that is helpful for consecrate stage and beautiful.

According to actual condition, can clear according to what above measure has consecrate station the job.
