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1. **方向**:灵台通常面向室外或者整个房间的大门,象征着迎接和接纳来自外界的祝福和福气。

2. **高度**:灵台的高度应该是合适的,不要太低,也不要太高,一般以一个成年人站立时能够轻松触及为宜。

3. **祭品摆放**:在灵台上放置祭品时,应该尊重神灵或祖先的喜好和习惯,常见的祭品有鲜花、水果、茶水、香烛等。

4. **清洁**:定期清理和整理供奉灵台,保持其清洁整洁,表示对神灵或祖先的尊敬和敬意。



Of consecrate clever stage put the established practice with need to abide by proper normally and formal. Generally speaking, consecrate clever stage should be placed in a quiet and clean place, avoid to wait for not clean local photograph adjacent with toilet, kitchen. The following should notice when putting:

1.** direction ** : Clever stage faces the entrance door of the whole perhaps room outdoor normally, symbolic move is received and admit the blessing that comes from the outside and good luck.

2.** height ** : The height of clever stage should be appropriate, not too low, also do not want too tall, it is advisable when standing with an adult commonly to can touch easily.

3.** oblation puts ** : When oblation is placed on clever stage, should respect the be fond of of deities or ancestor and habit, common oblation has flower, fruit, boiled water, joss sticks and candles to wait.

4.** clean ** : Clear regularly and arrange consecrate clever stage, maintain its clean and neat, show the respect of pair of deities or ancestor and respect.

As a whole, of consecrate clever stage put need esteem is traditional and formal with individual belief, and should maintain a heart sincere, sincere letter.
