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1. 准备:在跪拜之前,准备一个清洁的心灵和身体是非常重要的。可以选择一个安静、整洁的地方进行跪拜。

2. 准备祭品:根据信仰和传统,准备一些祭品,如鲜花、香烛、水果、饮料等,以表达对神灵的尊敬和感激。

3. 跪拜动作:跪下身体,可以选择单膝跪地或者双膝跪地,双手合十或者放在胸前,闭上眼睛专注心神。

4. 祷告或献词:在跪拜的过程中,可以默默祈祷或者以口头的方式表达对神灵的敬意、感恩和祈求。

5. 祭品献上:将准备好的祭品摆放在神灵面前,可以轻轻地放在地上或者供桌上。

6. 感恩与结束:结束跪拜时,表示感谢神灵的庇佑和关照,然后站起身体,恢复正常姿势。



Consecrate deities has kind of different worship on bended knees normally, means of specific worship on bended knees may be mixed because of religion, culture the individual is devotional and different. Generally speaking, the means of deities of worship on bended knees can include the following measure:

1.Preparation: Before worship on bended knees, preparing a clean heart and body is very important. Can choose a quiet, neat place to undertake worship on bended knees.

2.Plan sacrificial offerings: According to belief and tradition, plan a few sacrificial offerings, wait like flower, joss sticks and candles, fruit, beverage, respect and appreciate to deities in order to convey.

3.Movement of worship on bended knees: Body of genuflect private parts, can choose ground of odd genu genuflect ground of genuflect of double perhaps genu, both hands put the palms together perhaps is put before the bosom, close an eye dedicated mind.

4.Prayer or congratulatory message: In the process of worship on bended knees, the respect that can pray silently or expresses pair of deities with oral means, be thankful and petition.

5.Oblation displays on: Put ready oblation before deities, can gently ground or on altar.

6.Be thankful with the end: When ending worship on bended knees, thanks of deities bless and keep an eye on, stand up next body, return to normal pose.

Different religion and devotional system may have ceremony of more specific worship on bended knees and regulation, the understanding is relevant tradition before had better undertaking worship on bended knees so and consuetudinary.
