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1. 材质:供奉水杯的常见材质包括陶瓷、玻璃、不锈钢和塑料等。根据你的喜好和使用场景选择合适的材质。

2. 容量:根据自己的喝水量和使用场景选择合适的容量,一般来说,300毫升至500毫升的容量适合日常使用。

3. 设计:水杯的外观设计可以根据个人喜好选择,有简约的、卡通的、复古的等多种风格可供选择。

4. 温度保持:如果你需要在户外或者长时间保温,可以选择具有保温功能的水杯,确保饮用水的温度持久。

5. 密封性能:水杯的密封性能影响到携带时是否会漏水,选择具有良好密封性能的水杯更为方便。

6. 清洁方便:最好选择易于清洁的供奉水杯,以确保每次使用都是清洁卫生的。



When choosing consecrate water cup, you can consider the following:

1.Material is qualitative: The common capable person of consecrate water cup includes character pottery and porcelain, glass, stainless steel and plastic etc. The be fond of according to you and the material that make use scene choice right are qualitative.

2.Capacity: According to the capacity with oneself quantity that drink water and use setting right choice, generally speaking, 300 milliliter suit to be used daily to the capacity of 500 milliliter.

3.Design: The exterior design of water cup can choose according to individual be fond of, have contracted, of cartoon, restore ancient ways wait for a variety of styles to be able to offer an alternative.

4.Temperature maintains: If your need outdoors is long perhaps heat preservation, can choose to have the water cup of heat preservation function, ensure the temperature of drinking water is abiding.

5.Sealed function: The sealed function of water cup is affected whether to when carrying, meet slack, the water cup that chooses to have good and sealed property is more convenient.

6.Clean and convenient: Best choice easily clean consecrate water cup, be being used in order to ensure every time is clean healthful.

Consider above factor integratedly, you can choose to suit your consecrate water cup.
